Prayer for the People

God of all things,

You alone can give hope and comfort in the face of despair and fear. Send your Spirit to us to help us for we do not know how to pray in the face of so much pain, so much confusion, or so much need.

We pray for your power and grace to rest upon those who are in pain or in grief over loved ones: we pray for those who wait to hear news; for those who know too much; for those who were able to speak before the end; for those who left things unsaid; for those whose faith is battered; and for those who struggle to understand. Assure them of your faithfulness and grant them your peace which passes all understanding.

We pray for those who continue to be impacted by events of the past.

We pray for those whose light shines into the darkness that their light will be a beacon for all to see you and seek you and we pray that the light will never be extinguished as we look to a better day to come.

In faith, hope, and expectation, as your disciples called to serve you, we pray. Amen.