There Is Always Value

Recently on a trip to the PX (Post Exchange), I noticed this box of crayons hanging on the clearance rack. At first glance, it was humorous until I started to realize it’s a life lesson waiting to be heard. 

Now, I have to confess, I don’t know which crayon is missing but clearly the package of crayons is still useable. I applaud the person who didn’t simply throw it out but instead saw the value that still exists. 

I don’t know about you but I’m like that box of crayons – I’m not complete. In my case, I think it’s the cracks that have formed from caring for others. I’ve become broken, cynical, and a little rougher around the edges. I no longer see the value in myself and feel I should be tossed aside. 

However, I’ve noticed that like this box of crayons, someone – God – has seen the value left in me. He has put people in my path to remind me that I still have value even when I don’t see it. 

How quickly do we dismiss ourselves and others when we get worn around the edges. How quickly do we dismiss ourselves and others when we fail or break. 

That box of crayons reminds me to see myself and others as God does – as a child of His. We may not be completely whole but we are fearfully and wonderfully made and full of value.