A Walk, a Moose, and Me

Today was the start of a 4 day weekend and I was glad for the rest. It’s been a long couple of weeks and I needed the time off. Since I was going to be by myself today, I wanted to go for a long walk and spend some time in thought. I head for the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail and started off. 

It was a beautiful morning and I had the chance to simply walk and for the most part be alone with my own thoughts even though I had to keep an eye out for wildlife. C.S. Lewis would take long walks and use the time for reflection so I am in good company. I think this morning I was in a challenging mood and needed to be alone with my own thoughts. Today was a day of darker thoughts that I’m pretty sure most people wouldn’t understand. 

I think one of the better parts of a walk is it’s basically a pilgrimage. I have the time to simply walk and each step is a prayer unto itself. Even if I’m not thinking about a specific idea those steps are prayers and God hears them. 

Walking through the woods gives you a perspective on life. You start to notice trees and plants that shouldn’t be growing where they are. You notice the world is bigger than you are and it helps give perspective to thoughts after all. You may even notice a moose and begin to ponder the wonder of God. 

So after a ten mile walk, I have a different perspective and I’m ready to take on the next challenge.