Patience with Perseverance

Easter is behind us and we are faced with months of commonality until we get close to the season of Advent. We traveled the journey of Lent towards joyful anticipation of Easter and then it is past. We are a resurrection people but what do we do in this season when the joy of Easter is slowly fading away from us?

I’m sure about this: the one who started a good work in you will stay with you to complete the job by the day of Christ Jesus. -Philippians 1:6 (CEB)

Like New Year’s, at Easter, I think a lot of people make a commitment to come to church more often and be a better person. I mean, how can they not when we look at the resurrection and realize what it means for us.

Take, for instance, walking in love.  A believer reads a passage in the Bible, and the Holy Spirit uses it to remind them of areas in their lives that need some work.  They come away encouraged and ready to love, love, love.  They’re filled to the brim with the love of God, and start letting it pour out on others.

This goes on for weeks, and one day they stub their toe and cuss.  Then they cuss at the dog, and maybe even the kids.  This starts a tailspin of strife, and everyone in the house ends up grumpy (except the dog—he’s just doing his best to stay out of the way at this point).  The next morning they feel like they’ve been drug through the mud.  Guilt overwhelms them, and they think that they’ve blown it entirely.

But no, He who began a good work in them will complete it.  So they fell off the horse.  All they have to do is get back on and pick up where they left off.

We may falter from time to time but if God can be patient with us long enough to finish the good works that were started within us, then we can be patient with ourselves and get up and keep going. God will not abandon us because we make a mistake – it may be hard to imagine sometimes but somehow in someway, we are part of God’s plan and so those works he began in us will grow and reach maturity one day. I look forward to looking back and seeing God’s work in me even when I don’t think it is there or I feel like I have failed. Then, I can be like Paul and say:

 I have fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith. -2 Timothy 4:7 (CEB)